Before I get into the best ways to get results in fitness, I wanted to let you know that I’m here to help.
If you have any questions feel free to email
Ok, we all know (or have experienced) that diets do not work.
Yet, latest diet fad comes up and we seem to jump onboard. Then, they fail and we find another one.
But, why? Why don’t they work?
The answer lies in us as humans. Humans build habits. Some habits help us, others do not.
These habits are repeat daily to make our lives easier.
So, when we try a new diet, it may work for a while until your brain says “wait this is not what I’m used to...let’s go back what felt good before”.
And you gain the weight (or the body fat) all back.
So, what’s the answer?
Well, my clients could tell you. They have had great results.
They are working to change their daily, weekly and monthly habits, including the small ones. These habits can be nutrition related, like writing down what you eat. Or we work to build the habit of fitting workouts into their crazy busy schedule.
Then, we (or I should say they) workout hard to meet their goals.
As I noted earlier, reach out if you have any questions. I am here to help.